Per Gal


Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313
Oil Truck

If You Are Not Buying from Me,
We Are Both Losing Money

Fuel and Heating Oil Services in Bergen County, NJ, Passaic County, NJ, Sussex County, NJ, Hunterdon County, NJ & Surrounding Areas


Buy Up to 1,000 Gallons Today

And You Can Take It Over the Winter Months of November - April!

Bacardi Oil Service Logo

Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ

Bacardi Oil Service provides fuel and home heating oil delivery in Sussex County, NJ, and surrounding areas. We offer timely services and discount oil prices to homeowners and businesses.

Delivering Quality Affordable Heating and Fuel Oil Since 1988

A Trusted Oil Company

Since first opening our doors in 1988, Bacardi Oil Service has become one of the most efficient and respected companies providing COD oil in Sussex County, NJ, and the whole northeast.

Conveniently located and with a fleet of trucks available, you can take us at our word when you are told that help is on the way.


• Discount Oil Prices
• Volume Discounts
• Referral Discounts
• Same Day Delivery

Sussex Bergen Passaic
Hunterdon Morris Monmouth
Essex Middlesex Somerset
Click Here to View Our Reviews on Google

For more information about our heating oil delivery and diesel fuel services, contact us.
Click Here

Fast & Friendly

Our mission is to be there for you when you call. We know quite well how Father Winter can make the days unbearably cold and how stressful the thought of running out of heating oil can be. You will never need to worry about running low or out when Bacardi Oil is on the job. With our discount oil price and incredibly efficient and friendly delivery service, you can stay warm without burning a hole in your pocket. Contact us at 973.227.1313, and we will set up a delivery time that is convenient for you.

Bacardi Oil Service, based in Perth Amboy, NJ, provides top quality COD fuel, cash heating oil, and discount oil prices call today for info.

SERVICE AREA: New Jersey / New York

Raffle Ticket Drawn Every Wednesday! (Started 11/24/21)

To win $50 off your next oil delivery, check to see if you have the matching ticket number!

• Ticket Drawn Wednesday 02/23/2022: #86528

*Then call us with your winning ticket number to claim your prize. You must claim within 48 hours of when the ticket was drawn*


"It is with great appreciation I can say that Paul and helper Bill came to my rescue. Not having heat in the cold of winter is tragic. Working endlessly with knowledge and determination my furnace is working. I am deeply grateful for the kindness, care and affordability. WAY TO GO BACARDI!"

- Kathy Licari

"Highly recommended. Great service, amazing customer service. We use Barcardi Oil everytime we need oil. Just recently, we were really low on oil and they came same day."

- Spring DeFranco

"The entire staff at Bacardi treat you like family! We’ve been using them for the last 3 years, they’re reliable and always offer the lowest rates! Paul, could not have been more patient and helpful when we recently had an issue with furnace and oil tank! thanks for all your help and service!"

- Melissa McCabe