Per Gal


Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313
Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ

If You Are Not Buying from Me,
We Are Both Losing Money

Heating Oil for Ocean County, NJ, Areas

Keep your family warm and your business comfortable with Bacardi Oil Service. Since 1988, we have delivered top-quality heating oil in Ocean County, NJ, at an affordable price. With our experienced and skilled team, we help our community stay comfortable from November to April with timely services and discount prices for home and business owners.

Fleet of Trucks at Your Service

As the Northeast’s trusted oil company, we have a modern and well-maintained fleet of trucks ready to deliver heating oil to any location in Ocean County and the surrounding areas. Our large fleet ensures timely and efficient deliveries, so our customers never have to worry about running out of oil during the coldest months. We also have highly trained and committed drivers who prioritize providing top-notch services, ensuring safe and timely deliveries.

Convenient Refilling

Don’t run out of oil with our convenient refilling services. Our team prioritizes keeping customers comfortable with an adequate fuel supply throughout the year, helping monitor oil levels, and providing prompt solutions. Our comprehensive refilling services give customers peace of mind, knowing they will not feel cold. Schedule a new service or refill today so you don’t have to worry about constantly monitoring your heating oil levels.

Some areas we serve: Jackson Township - LakehurstLakewood - Manchester Township -
Ocean Township - Plumsted Township - New Egypt


Buy Up to 1,000 Gallons Today

And You Can Take It Over the Winter Months of November - April!

Bacardi Oil Service Logo