Per Gal


Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

Heating Oil in Plumsted Township, NJ

Rely on our hard-working team to warm up your home or business. Since 1988, Bacardi Oil Service has provided top-notch services and heating oil in Plumsted Township, NJ. Our company’s staff and technicians work tirelessly to deliver on-time services and keep properties warm, especially from November to April. Customer satisfaction is one of our primary concerns, so we make our services fit their requests and keep their heating system performing efficiently all year.


A gallon of heating oil produces 35% more heat than a gallon of natural gas; therefore, the former is the most efficient option for heating a home using the least fuel. It also produces a hot flame that warms a single-family home or business faster. Our company not only provides high-quality heating and fuel oil but also ensures that it exceeds efficiency standards at an affordable price. Learn more about our cost-competitive prices and premium oil by contacting us today.

Get in Touch

With 36 years of experience, our team provides fast and efficient service to customers in New Jersey. Whether you own a small house or a large facility, our drivers go directly to our customer’s address to deliver heating oil promptly. This commitment to fast, efficient service has made us one of the most respected companies in the United States.

Get in touch with our team now.