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Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

Keep Warm in Andover, NJ, with Our Discount Heating Oil

As the snow piles higher the temperature outside sinks lower. Fortunately, Bacardi Oil Service is here to make maintaining a comfortable temperature indoors easy. We’re the premier choice for discount heating oil in Andover, NJ. With our competitive prices and quick deliveries, you don’t need to meticulously calculate how much fuel you’ll need for the winter. Just give us a call whenever you’re running low, and our drivers will be at your property in no time.

For decades, homeowners and other clients have relied on us to deliver discount heating oil on time and at a fair price. We’ve worked hard to earn our reputation for reliability and look forward to adding you to our long list of satisfied customers. Contact us today to learn more about our low prices or schedule a delivery.

Also Delivering Diesel

We’re also proud to meet the needs of business owners, worksite managers, farmers, and more with our diesel fueling services. Our oil delivery team provides on-site fueling for generators, construction equipment, heavy-duty vehicles, commercial fleets, and much more. Plus, you can count on us for our usual low rates and quick turnaround times—including same-day service in some cases. No matter what you’re fueling, we’re the right choice to save time, money, and stress.