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Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

Diesel Fuel and Heating Oil Delivery in Clifton, NJ

With Bacardi Oil Service, you will find it easy to keep your property and vehicles fueled. As a leader in oil delivery in Clifton, NJ, we provide quick, convenient, and cost-effective services to homeowners and business owners throughout the area. Thanks to our emphasis on client satisfaction, we provide the fuel you need at reasonable prices.

Fast and Affordable

Burning oil shouldn’t also burn a hole in your wallet. Rather than paying a premium for a necessity, stock up with our oil delivery company. We sell discount heating oil and low-sulfur diesel fuel at competitive prices.

We offer volume discounts on our oil, ensuring you pay a fair price when topping off your tank. In addition, we have a complete fleet of delivery trucks at our disposal. As a result, you will get the fuel you need according to your schedule.

When you need diesel fuel, we’re here for you. We provide on-site refueling for worksites, vehicles, and more. Also, we can provide custom fuel delivery, so your operations are always running.

Give your home or place of business the fuel it needs to stay comfortable and operational. Request an oil delivery from our company today. We serve clients throughout Clifton, NJ, and the surrounding area.