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Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

Your Source for Discount Heating Oil in Dover, NJ

Home and business heating are essential for your comfort. When it comes to furnaces and boilers, that means keeping a solid supply of high-quality oil. If you’re buying enough to fuel your equipment through the cold weather, you can rack up a big bill pretty quickly. Fortunately, the right provider can offer affordable savings without a hassle. When it comes to discount heating oil in Dover, NJ, let us lend a hand.

Bacardi Oil Service is the connection you can count on to deliver top-quality product with top-tier savings. We serve commercial and residential properties throughout the state. Managing daily deliveries and backed by a reputation for excellence, our team takes the hassle out of heating.

The Extra Edge

Volume discounts are nothing new in the business world, but we aim to go above and beyond. Our advantage in oil delivery comes from more than 27 years of successful business. From route planning to committed customer service, we spare no expense in ensuring a great experience. But you don’t have to take out word for it. Put our resources, savings, and service to the test by booking oil deliveries that suit your needs.