Per Gal


Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

The Trusted Oil Delivery Service in Freehold, NJ

When the daily temperatures sink lower during winter, don’t worry—just partner with Bacardi Oil Service for your heating oil delivery. Homeowners, business owners, and worksite managers trust us for prompt and affordable oil delivery in Freehold, NJ, and the surrounding area.

With our competitive pricing and speedy deliveries, you will never have to worry about running out of fuel. In many cases, we can even provide same-day service. Contact us anytime to top off your tank with discount heating oil or diesel fuel.

An Affordable, Convenient Choice

Heating is a necessity during the coldest months of the year. Heat not only keeps the people under your roof comfortable and healthy but also prevents property damage like burst pipes. Bacardi Oil Service treats heating as the necessity it is, not a luxury. That is why we are committed to providing everyday low prices; check out our site for today’s lowest rate and then contact us for volume discounts. You can even buy in bulk and request that we deliver it in intervals.

Furthermore, we are dedicated to making refueling as hassle-free as possible. Our drivers work year-round and aim to reach every customer on time or earlier. Simply contact us, and one of our oil delivery trucks will be at your property in no time.