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Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

The Trusted Team for Oil Delivery in Hewitt, NJ

Oil and diesel fuel power our daily life. When you run out of them, it can feel as if your day has ground to a halt. In these situations, it is helpful to have a delivery service you can count on. Turn to Bacardi Oil Service for all of your fuel needs. As a leading provider of oil delivery in Hewitt, NJ, we are committed to helping homeowners, and business owners keep their devices powered—quickly and affordably.

 Home Oil and Diesel Fuel Available

Everyone needs fuel. Don’t pay too much—order from us and get the best prices for heating oil and ultra-low sulfur diesel. We sell fuel at competitive prices, ensuring you are prepared for virtually any occasion.

Our discount heating oil allows you to power your heating system efficiently. In addition, we can provide volume discounts to all of our clients. This is a quick and value-oriented way to top off your main heating system and stock up for the season.

When you need diesel fuel, we’re here for you. We provide on-site refueling at virtually any location in the area. Customized delivery plans are also available, ensuring your business can operate as smoothly as possible.

With our oil delivery service, you have the power to fuel your home or place of business for less. Contact us to request a delivery. We serve clients throughout Hewitt, NJ, and the surrounding area.