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Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

Beat Winter’s Chill with Discount Heating Oil in Hopatcong, NJ

Don’t let winter’s biting cold and freezing winds put a damper on your comfort. Bacardi Oil Service is here to ensure you always have the heating oil you need – and at a fair price. Since 1988, we’ve been the trusted supplier for discount heating oil in Hopatcong. Whether you’re heating your home, business, or job site, you can rely on us to bring you affordable fuel at any time of the year. No matter what winter throws your way, you’ll be ready with us on your side.

Affordable Prices, Quick Delivery

Oil prices fluctuate, especially in the winter, and they usually trend upwards at the worst times. We believe that heating oil is a necessity and should be treated as such, which is why our oil delivery company is committed to always offering the lowest prices possible. Check our site or contact us to find out today’s unbeatable price. We also offer volume discounts and referral discounts; talk to our team for details.

Locals don’t just choose us for our discount heating oil, however. We’re also known for our prompt deliveries year-round. Thanks to our fleet of trucks and skilled drivers, we’ll have your oil at your property in no time, even during the winter. That means you never have to worry about your tank running dry.