Per Gal


Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

Turn Up the Heat with Reliable Oil Delivery in Lamington, NJ

We go the extra mile to bring you the fuel you need when you need it. We don’t stop at being a delivery service; we take the time to make sure you get the premium products you deserve at a price you can afford. When we add exceptional customer service to our list of qualities, contacting Bacardi Oil Service just makes sense.

Oil When You Need It

Your oil delivery in Lamington, NJ, is just a call away. When the cold weather is especially demanding on your furnace, you can depend on our team to be right out to fill up your tank with top-quality heating fuel. We offer same-day service, so when you are running low, you can trust us to arrive when you need us most.

The Price is Right

By choosing Bacardi Oil Service, you will enjoy flexible delivery options and discount heating oil. We source the finest products at the lowest prices and pass the savings on to you. You can expect to fill your tank for less when you trust us for reliable oil delivery services that put your heating needs first.

Reach out to our team, and we will add you to our Lamington, NJ, route. You can expect exceptional service, affordable pricing, and premium products.