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Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

Save Money on Heating Fuel with an Oil Delivery in Lebanon, NJ

Shake off winter’s grasp with discount heating oil from Bacardi Oil Service. When there is a chill in the air, we are prepared to help you handle it. Only the best will suffice when your home or business in Lebanon, NJ, needs oil delivery services.

More Than Oil Services

We don’t just deliver oil; we deliver customer service, quality products, and affordable prices. People turn to us because they know we have the heating fuel they need at a cost they can’t get anywhere else. Our company leverages extensive networking capabilities to source premium home heating oil at prices no other company can match.

Turn Up the Heat

Don’t put on another sweater to keep warm; give us a call and turn up the thermostat. We want you to be comfortable no matter what the temperature outside; call to schedule oil delivery and save money during the coldest months. There is no reason to freeze when you put us on speed dial.

We deliver oil throughout the region to countless homes and businesses that depend on us to keep their furnaces running and water hot. Become part of our Lebanon, NJ, route and put your trust in a fleet that will ensure you have oil no matter what the weather.