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Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

The Convenient Oil Delivery Company for Mt. Olive, NJ

Save time, money, and stress by switching to Bacardi Oil Service. Since 1988, we’ve been helping property owners across the region refuel the easy way with our year-round delivery services for heating oil and diesel fuel. When you need oil delivery to Mt. Olive, NJ, just give us a call, and our drivers will arrive at your site in no time. Many of our customers even enjoy same-day service from us. 

We understand that it can be difficult to calculate how much fuel you’ll need during a period since there are so many factors to consider. With Bacardi on call, you never need to worry about your tank running dry since we deliver year-round with quick turnaround times. Contact us today to place an order for your home, business, or job site.

Count on Us for Competitive Pricing

Keep your utility costs in check with our discount heating oil. We’re proud to offer some of the most competitive pricing in the region with our daily low prices. Plus, you can save even more by taking advantage of our volume discounts; we’ll even deliver your order over a span of months if you don’t have the storage space for it. As our owner likes to say, “If you’re not buying from me, we are both losing money.”