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Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

Commercial and Residential Oil Delivery in Newfoundland, NJ

Power your daily life with services from Bacardi Oil Service. When you choose us for oil delivery in Newfoundland, NJ, you can feel at ease that you are getting heating oil and diesel fuel at affordable rates. We are your go-to team for getting the supplies you need in record time. Arrange a delivery today.

 Heating Oil and Diesel Fuel for Less

Whether for your home or place of business, you can count on us to provide quick and cost-effective delivery. We have an entire fleet of trucks that transport oil and fuel. As a result, you can expect your fuel to reach your destination according to your schedule. 

Our company offers discount heating oil to homes and businesses. Also, we offer volume discounts to all of our clients. So whether you’re shopping for the best value or need to fill up your primary heating tank quickly, we are the right company to call.

In addition, we are a leader in diesel fuel delivery. From backup generators to marine craft and heavy-duty vehicles, we provide the ultra-low sulfur diesel to power your buildings and vehicles. If you need fuel and time is a luxury, you can count on us for emergency same-day services.  

Our team is here to fuel your home or business. Contact us to request oil delivery services. We serve clients throughout Newfoundland, NJ, and the surrounding area.