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Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

The Preferred Source for Discount Heating Oil in Newton, NJ

Never worry about winter’s bite again by choosing Bacardi Oil Service to meet your refueling needs. Residential and commercial clients alike recommend us for discount heating oil in Newton, NJ, and the surrounding region.

We’re known for our highly competitive prices and reliably fast deliveries. In fact, in many cases, we provide same-day service. By making refueling simple and affordable, we ensure you can maintain a comfortable temperature indoors throughout the entire cold season. Just give us a call whenever your tank starts running low, and we’ll visit to replenish your supply in no time.

An Unbeatable Combination of Affordability and Convenience

Bacardi Oil Service has been the preferred choice for oil delivery since our business began back in 1988. Customers love our unbeatable combination of affordability and convenience. With everyday low prices, volume discounts, and referral discounts, we ensure you don’t have to drain your bank account to resupply your tank. Plus, we leverage our experienced drivers and large fleet of vehicles to reach you quickly whenever you need to refuel.

The discount heating oil you need is just one call away. Get in touch today if you have any questions about our services or need to schedule a delivery; we’ll be pleased to help you keep warm.