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Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

Efficient and Convenient Oil Delivery for Oak Ridge, NJ

Ensure you always have the fuel you need to heat your home or business with delivery services from Bacardi Oil Service. We provide oil delivery to Oak Ridge, NJ, with a focus on efficiency and convenience.

Our experienced drivers have the necessary equipment to deliver discount heating oil throughout the region year-round, often the very same day it is ordered. You can relax at home and let our team bring the oil you need right to your door. We also deliver diesel fuel for heavy equipment like agricultural machinery, construction vehicles, and generators. Contact us to schedule a delivery to your property or learn about our everyday low prices.

Cut Your Energy Costs

Save significantly on your heating expenses by choosing Bacardi Oil Service. We keep our discount heating oil at the lowest prices around, plus we also offer volume discounts. Talk to our team to find out how much you stand to save with us.

Our team also saves you stress. Rather than worrying about your tank running dry, you can rest easy knowing that an oil delivery is just a phone call away. You can even schedule recurring deliveries for extra peace of mind. Reach out today to explore our convenient options for your home or business.