Per Gal


Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

Get Discount Heating Oil Whenever You Need It in Ogdensburg, NJ

Stop worrying about your tank’s oil level and start enjoying low prices on the resources you need. Bacardi Oil Service offers the perfect combination of convenient delivery services and everyday low prices. Our fleet of trucks transports discount heating oil to Ogdensburg, NJ, homeowners and business owners all year round. Plus, we also deliver diesel fuel to worksites, farms, and more. 

No matter what you’re ordering, you can rely on us for prompt service, competitive rates, and attentive customer care. Give us a call or send us a message online to learn more about our oil and schedule your next delivery.

Timely Deliveries You Can Count On 

Since 1988, we’ve helped residential, commercial, and industrial clients stay fully stocked with the oil they need.  We look forward to adding you to our long listed of satisfied oil delivery customers. People from all walks of life choose us to meet their heating oil needs because they know we provide timely delivery at all times of the year. In addition, we always offer the lowest prices around. These factors mean that our clients no longer face uncertainty about their heating during the cold season—and they save big. Contact us today, and you’ll soon understand why so many people count on us to meet their heating oil needs.