Per Gal


Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

 Dependable Oil Delivery in Paterson, NJ

A cold house is no home at all. With Bacardi Oil Service, you have the power to keep your property comfortable at any time. We are leader in oil delivery in Paterson, NJ. When you choose us, you can feel at ease in knowing you have access to affordable fuel all year round.

Whether for your home or business, our delivery solutions make it easier to fuel up for less. Our company sells heating oil and diesel fuel, ensuring you are ready for almost anything. Request an estimate today and stock up the quick and simple way.

Fast Fuel Delivery You Can Trust 

When you run out of fuel, it’s only a matter of time before it feels as if everything has come to a halt. Turn to our company for discount heating oil. We sell heating oil and diesel fuel at competitive prices.

 Furthermore, we take pride in making delivery both fast and convenient. In many cases, we can bring you fuel the same day. Our company has an entire fleet of trucks available—simply tell us your location and we can begin your delivery in record time.

 With our oil delivery service, you have the fuel to warm your home or business. Contact our company to learn more about our heating oil and diesel fuel options. We serve clients throughout Paterson, NJ, and the surrounding area.