Per Gal


Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

Discount Heating Oil in Raritan, NJ

With Bacardi Oil Service, rest assured knowing your house or office will be warm all winter. We have provided customers with top-quality, discount heating oil in Raritan, NJ, for 35 years. With our knowledge and experience, we offer tailored services that exceed customer expectations while providing comfort throughout the year. Don’t wait until it’s cold in your room; schedule an oil or fuel delivery today instead!

Timely, Dependable Service

Keep your furnace or tank full at all times by requesting our regular oil delivery services. This service allows property owners to monitor consumption easily and avoid unexpectedly running out of oil. We provide one of Raritan’s most affordable and timely refilling services, always having a fleet of trucks available. Rely on our services all year and mitigate the risk of shortage situations!

Safe Heating System

Safety is a top concern when using efficient heating solutions for a home or business. Unlike natural gas, oil heat does not ignite when exposed to an open flame, making it one of the safest options available. Still, we ensure our products are up to date with industry standards and transported in quality tanks designed to withstand harsh conditions and spills.

Call (973) 227-1313 to book an oil or diesel fuel service today!