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Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

Delivering Discount Heating Oil to Rutherford, NJ

Don’t let low temperatures and high heating costs ruin your winter. Bacardi Oil Service makes it affordable and easy to get through the coldest months of the year comfortably. We supply discount heating oil to Rutherford, NJ, homes, businesses, and worksites. With our team on your side, your fuel tank will never run dry, and you’ll stay warm and toasty all season.

Oil prices often rise during winter, which is why we do our best to offer you the lowest prices possible. Plus, you can save even more with our volume discounts; talk to our team to learn more.

Prompt Deliveries You Can Depend On

With our extensive experience and fleet of trucks, we never leave you out in the cold. Most of our oil deliveries are same-day, and they are always as quick as possible. We understand that heating is a necessity, not a luxury, and we treat it as such. You can count on us to never leave you waiting – and that dependability is why so many locals turn to us year after year.

We’re served our community since 1988, working hard to earn a long list of loyal customers. Our team looks forward to adding you to that list with our next oil delivery.