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Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

One-Call Oil Delivery in Sewaran, NJ

Rely on the experts at Bacardi Oil Service when you need heating oil without a hassle. We bring together exceptional products and unparalleled service to give our customers the best in ease and value. Working with homes and businesses, our team is your connection for oil delivery in Sewaran, NJ.

Since 1988, we have been the trusted name for simplicity and superior pricing. Offering discount heating oil that still performs the way you deserve, our service is the best way to keep more money in your pocket while enjoying consistent, comfortable warmth on-demand. Best of all, you’ll never have to think too hard about your next shipment – we bring the goods you need right to your door. 

Delivering Diesel and More 

Heating oil isn’t our only option. Customers also turn to us for diesel delivery. Our ultra-low sulfur product allows for easy on-site fueling and complete confidence in your most important products. Fuel all your future needs with the delivery pros who never settle for less than excellent service. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our products, options, and available savings.