Per Gal


Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

Discount Heating Oil in Somerville, NJ

Trust Bacardi Oil Service with discount heating oil in Somerville, NJ. Our services are designed to save customers money, making it more affordable to heat a home or business during the coldest days. Customers pay for today’s charge and can buy up to 1,000 gallons that could last from November to April. By being safer than natural gas, heating fuels are easily stored at home and used when needed.

Refill your tank today by calling (973) 227-1313!

Excellent Customer Service

As one of Somerville's leading oil delivery services, we proudly provide high-quality fuel and solutions that exceed customer expectations. Since 1988, our team has valued every home or company owner who requests our services, which is why we offer low prices and a referral program. Refer a friend or another business to be eligible to receive free oil from us!

Long-Lasting Warmth

Fuel oil systems have a longer lifespan compared to other heating systems, such as natural gas or propane. By being a long-lasting system, heating oils are incredibly efficient and affordable, even during winter. With regular maintenance and our delivery services, property owners can save money and use heating oil for many months.

Contact us to learn more about our oil and diesel fuel service from one of our experts!