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Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

The Best Prices on Discount Heating Oil for Wantage, NJ

Save time, stress, and money by relying on Bacardi Oil Service to meet your fuel needs. We offer incredibly low prices for discount heating oil in Wantage, NJ, complete with convenient delivery services. 

Whether you’re a homeowner or business owner, you can count on us for quick turnaround times and unbeatable prices all year long. We understand that heat is a necessity, and we treat it as such. Contact us today to schedule a delivery from our reliable team or learn more about our competitive rates. Be sure to ask about volume discounts for oil deliveries. 

Fueling the Region Since 1988 

For decades, we’ve delivered heating oil and diesel fuel to homes, businesses, farms, worksites, and more across the region. We understand the challenges involved and are well-equipped to overcome any obstacle that crosses our path. Our mission is to make refueling as simple and affordable for you as possible, no matter how much oil you’re ordering for your property.

We understand that it can be difficult to determine how much fuel you’ll need for the entire cold season. That’s why we’re proud to provide quick deliveries for discount heating oil year-round. You never have to worry about running dry because we’ll be right there to refuel you when you need us. Plus, with our low prices, you can stock up without draining your bank account.